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evolve(2012 年考研英语阅读理解)

原创 作者:老铁  时间:2023-07-10 09:27:58 来源:问答百科

1. The process of evolution is deeply rooted in the history of human society, which tells us that humans have developed from our ape-like ancestors.2. In terms of animals, the process of evolution inv


1. The process of evolution is deeply rooted in the history of human society, which tells us that humans have developed from our ape-like ancestors.

2. In terms of animals, the process of evolution involves Diphyodont evolving into Reptilia and then into Mammalia.

3. The development of certain breeds requires careful selection and rigorous elimination, ultimately leading to the evolution of the desired strain.

4. We can see the policy evolve over time, adapting to changing circumstances and needs.

5. Evolution theory, which describes the process of living organisms changing over generations through genetic variation and natural selection, is a fundamental concept in biology.

6. The term "evolve" can be used in various ways, including to describe the development of living organisms, as well as the process of creating or innovating.

7. Some synonyms for "evolve" include "develop," "change," and " adapt."

8. In addition to the basic meaning of "evolve," there are also words related to growth and development such as "grow," " Emerge," and "develop."

9. The term "policy evolve" refers to the gradual development and changes made to a set of policies over time.

10. The word "evolve" can also be used to describe the development of ideas or theories over time.

11. Some related concepts include "innovation," which refers to the act of introducing new ideas or products, and "thrive," which refers to繁荣、兴旺.

12. There are several words that can be used to describe the different stages of evolution, such as "morph," which refers to the shape or form of an organism, and "survive," which refers to surviving until a later time.

13. Another important concept related to evolution is "flourish," which refers to thriving or growing prosperously.

14. Lastly, please note that the above sentences are randomly rewritten versions of the original ones with at least 40% changes, while maintaining the logical coherence of the article.


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