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世界三大名汤(soup :法国第二大城市)

原创 作者:老铁  时间:2023-07-09 19:47:27 来源:教育

There are many variations of how to enjoy the soup, but it's generally agreed that it's best enjoyed with some kind of bread or crouton to help absorb the flavors of the soup. In addition to the tradi


马赛是法国 第二大城市和最大的海港,也是一座拥有 2500 年历史的古城。 there are a variety of fish used in making the soup, including: sardines, mackerel, cod, mullet, eel, and squid. The recipe for the soup is a matter of debate among French food enthusiasts, with some advocating for as few as 3-5 types of fish and others suggesting up to 10.

One thing all can agree on is that the soup should at least include three kinds of fish, such as sardines, mackerel, and cod. Bread is also an essential ingredient in the traditional preparation of the dish, with the bread片吸收了鱼,一口咬下,海鲜和碳水化合物的结合,瞬间在嘴巴里融合,加上大蒜和酱汁的点缀,爆发出浓浓的地中海美味**。

There are many variations of how to enjoy the soup, but it's generally agreed that it's best enjoyed with some kind of bread or crouton to help absorb the flavors of the soup. In addition to the traditional way of having the soup with bread, some people also enjoy having the soup as a simple, plain course, while others prefer to have it as part of a larger meal.

Some people even like to add other ingredients to the soup, such as garlic, saffron, parsley, and thyme. There are also many different regional variations of the soup, each with its own unique flavor profile and ingredients. No matter what variation you choose, though, the key to enjoying the best version of this classic French soup is to make sure you have a good supply of fresh seafood and high-quality bread to match.


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