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实施英文(Imposing Your Opinions on Others)

原创 作者:老铁  时间:2023-01-08 22:02:56 来源:教育

Parents should beware of imposing their own tastes on their children. It is important not to force our preferences onto


Parents should beware of imposing their own tastes on their children. It is important not to force our preferences onto them.

Fines are imposed on retailers who sell tobacco to minors. This is a way to use authority to ensure compliance with the law.

Congress can impose strict conditions on the bank. National legislation can enforce stringent regulations on financial institutions.

The filming imposed an additional strain on her. The pressure of being filmed added stress to her life.

I didn't want to impose myself on my married friends. I didn't want to force them to spend time with me when they may not have wanted to.

I was afraid you'd feel we were imposing on you. I didn't want to unreasonably ask you to do something you didn't want to do.

A third of companies reviewing pay since last August have imposed a pay freeze of up to a year. Many companies have enforced a freeze on salary increases due to economic circumstances.

She didn't want to impose her values on her family. She didn't want to force her beliefs onto her loved ones.

I know this is an imposition. But please hear me out. I understand that my request may be unreasonable, but I would appreciate if you could listen to what I have to say.

The imposition of sanctions against Pakistan was a measure taken by some countries to enforce penalties and restrictions.

Overall, it is essential to respect the autonomy and individuality of others and refrain from imposing our opinions or beliefs onto them.


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